Taiko Foods joined in March 2023
“And as the world’s population and reliance on fish as a source of protein and employment increases, the pressure on our oceans will only be exacerbated. As a fish-focused business we have a responsibility to use our purchasing power and brand influence to drive positive change that will help to protect our oceans and ensure future generations can continue to enjoy seafood in the way we do today.
To guide and simplify our purchasing decisions, a “strive for the best, avoid the worst and improve the rest” approach drives our seafood sourcing. Implementing the SSC’s voluntary Codes of Conduct, in conjunction with the MCS Good Fish Guide, Seafood Watch ratings and our own robust risk assessment tools will help us to make better responsible sourcing decisions and meet our targets for responsible seafood proteins.”
More about Taiko Foods
“As an authentic modern food manufacturer located in London, Taiko Foods focuses on producing the best quality sushi, bentos and food to go products as well as Japanese and Oriental prepared meals. Established in 1997 as the first manufacturer of sushi for the UK supermarket industry, Taiko Foods is now one of the most innovative vendor partners supplying products to a wide range of customers across the UK such as Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Costco, David Lloyd’s and others.”