“The British Retail Consortium supports the principle of a comprehensive food policy, bringing together all the issues that affect food retailing and consumption in the UK. The way food is produced and consumed is a key issue for a healthy, sustainable society”
British Retail Consortium (BRC) joined in May 2011
“Sustainable fish and seafood sourcing is a major issue which BRC members are particularly passionate about and focused on. The BRC supports the principle of a comprehensive food policy, bringing together all the issues that affect food retailing and consumption in the UK. The way food is produced and consumed is a key issue for a healthy, sustainable society. This is why we are proud to be part of the SSC.”
More about the British Retail Consortium
“The BRC is the lead trade association representing the whole range of retailers from small and independent stores through to the large multiples, selling food and non-food products and services, and operating on the High Street, out of town, in community and rural shops and online. Our vision is to work with our members to create a vibrant and sustainable retail industry for the future.”