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SSC finalist in the Seafood Champion Awards

We are delighted that the Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) is a finalist in this year’s Seafood Champion Awards. The awards recognise “outstanding leadership in promoting environmentally responsible seafood”. Out of over 90 nominated organisations and individuals, 16 made it through to the finals.

The SSC is nominated for the Seafood Champion Award for Vision, a testament to its successful work in developing voluntary codes of conduct on responsible sourcing and harmonised labelling. Being selected as a finalist marks the SSC’s progress towards its vision that all fish and seafood sold in the UK is from a sustainable source.

The SSC’s 23 members, drawn from all sectors of the seafood industry, worked together for three years to find a common solution for a more responsible and sustainable seafood supply chain. The codes were launched in September 2014.

The voluntary approach and the trust built between seafood businesses in the UK makes for a unique model, and one that “holds great potential for wider replication beyond the UK,” says SSC coordinator Katie Miller. “Our members have defined responsible sourcing behaviour for fish and seafood and we will continue working on new priorities to work towards our vision.”

The four winners (one from each category – leadership, innovation, vision and advocacy) will be announced in February 2016, at the SeaWeb Seafood Summit in Malta.

Image: Skeeze