The public feedback period for the Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) draft Codes of Conduct and accompanying guidance has finished. We are grateful for the many questions, suggestions and comments received, and have used them to improve all three documents.
Feedback for the codes was generously offered by organisations from across the seafood sector, including producers, environmental campaigners and industry experts. The public feedback process is vital because stakeholders often hold very different views when it comes to tackling seafood sustainability.
Many of the comments overlapped and in some cases asked only for increased clarity or detail. This has cemented our confidence that with revisions to increase clarity, the codes will be a significant step towards our vision that all fish sold in the UK is from sustainable sources.
Following a members’ meeting to discuss the points raised, we have revised the draft codes.
The SSC members would like to say a big ‘THANK YOU’ to all those who took the time to give feedback.
The final Sourcing and Labelling Codes will be launched in the very near future.